Rogue One art, and a random Padme

I have absolutely no progress to show on my embroidery because I mean, it all looks the same. Hi here’s another flower it took me 4 hours of my life and it looks exactly like the other 24 I’ve done already.

I am ALMOST done with the bottom half. I should finish it up this weekend. And my hope is to also get the main spires done on all the remaining 4 segments — one is already done, 2 are partially done. So I’m thinking I can get that taken care of.

Anyway, I came over because I have ART!
I knew I had time to do one more Star Wars trio group to do a print for Visioncon, I asked Chase if I should do Rogue One or prequels, he said Rogue One. So here’s Jyn…

She turned out OK.

Here’s Cassian:

He turned out OK too. Had trouble getting his legs and arms to not look so stiff and weird.

I also posted close ups of both Jyn and Cassian over at my smugmug current art gallery, if you’re so inclined to look at something like that.

Here’s K2SO

I don’t care for drawing mechanical stuff like this so I used a reference to make sure he looked right. As a result it just… looks like the reference. So I don’t think it’s terribly interesting but I felt like I needed him for the 3rd of the trio.

Speaking of which…


And then today I did Padme:

I’m REALLY happy with how she turned out!

Because the Rogue One ones went so fast I’m hoping I’ll be able to quickly churn out Obi-Wan and Anakin next week and then I’ll have prints of all 4 trios. Yay! Then I also still have Kylo and Lando sketches to do, and I suppose if I don’t get bored I’ll keep going and do more.

So while I was working on Cassian – trying to fix his wonky legs and arm – I kept taking screencaps to send to Chase to get his feedback. Thought I’d share them to show the process. To start out with, I do a sketch, scan it, pull it into photoshop and “ink” over the sketch with my tablet.

So here’s the linework for Cassian after I got it to that point — he looks weird without facial hair.

Trying to figure out what’s wrong with his limbs. When I run into problems like this I start a new layer and sketch over it in red, just basic shapes so I can compare it to what I’ve got underneath it.

Even after all that tweaking it still never looked totally right but I got to the “whatev” point.

First colour pass on the skin:

It’s my favourite to do. Everything else is a chore.

Finished face/facial hair. Started in on the hair. I pretty much always forget about the hands and they get done later.

Well that’s all I got for today. Wish me luck embroidering this weekend. Away I go